In these unusual times, we are spending more time than ever at home and many of us have started wondering about the strategies to keep our houses clean.
You probably already cared about the level of hygiene in your house, but now that this virus is among us it is even more important to think about cleanliness and the details we may overlook.
Work surfaces, tables and shelves are easy to clean and disinfect – you just need to be vigilant and clean them daily – but what should we do with fabrics and curtains?
Curtains, cushions and other fabric accessories need to be washed periodically to maintain a good level of hygiene.
Obviously, this is a pretty big job that takes a lot of time when you feel up to it!
A great alternative to traditional curtains that will save you from this periodical cleaning is to choose double glazing Venetian blinds.
Let’s take a look at why they are more hygienic than traditional curtains.
Venetian blinds sealed inside your double glazing
As we have already mentioned in several other blog posts, these blinds are installed in the space between the two panes of double glazing.
This small gap offers many benefits in terms of thermal insulation and soundproofing, but it also protects your blinds from external agents, such as dust and other impurities.
As they remain totally isolated from everything that could soil and damage them, they stay clean for longer.
As a consequence, they require less frequent maintenance than other window treatments, and you won’t have to clean them very often.
By installing double glazing Venetian blinds, your home will benefit from a cleaner environment and from a level of hygiene impossible to obtain with standard curtains.
Can you picture things like grease stains in the kitchen curtains and humidity stains in the bathroom blinds, or the amount of dust that is visible as soon as you move one of the curtains of your home?
Well, with double glazing Venetian blinds all these memories will be a thing of the past.
Installing double glazing Venetian blinds in public places
One thing that the lockdown is teaching us is the importance of personal hygiene and the cleanliness of the areas we live and work in.
A clean and sanitized place undoubtedly offers a safer and healthier environment compared to a dusty, unclean one.
With this in mind, it is safe to say that double glazing Venetian blinds can provide pleasant, aesthetic and functional design, but also help to keep a workspace more hygienic.
Visitors to a hotel, a restaurant, or a public office that is free of oppressive and encumbering curtains will probably go away with a better and more positive impression.
The opportunity to enjoy a meal or spend the night in a place where double glazing Venetian blinds guarantee hygiene and peace of mind will offer you a new perspective for your choices.
This is even more important in places like hospitals, schools and universities, where people tend to gather more and where hygiene is essential.
When we are once again able to enjoy more freedom and holidays, will you choose places with poor lighting and a stifling atmosphere or will you prefer places that offer a fresh and airy atmosphere?
We are pretty sure that you will go for the latter and even though in the past you may have placed more importance on the financial aspect of your choices, it’s quite likely that from now on factors connected to cleanliness and hygiene will become more important for you.
This is completely normal, and you will see that these elements not only affect your preferences for your holiday destinations but will also influence the way you think about offices and workspaces.
Double glazing Venetian blinds can profoundly change the design and aesthetics of a workspace and make it a more enjoyable place for people to work in.
The choice of a double glazing Venetian blinds even for offices is to be considered very seriously as, from now on, employers will have to make an effort to create the most hygienic environments possible.
In this article we have offered an overview of the importance of choosing blinds fitted inside double glazing.
They will offer many different benefits in terms of design, aesthetics and energy savings but, very importantly, they will create a healthier environment that will provide both physical and mental well-being.
Double glazing Venetian blinds are the result of high-end design and technology, and they can be operated both manually and automatically.
This technology will offer you both comfort and safety.